Stranger’s Theme

At Denver Pop Culture Con 2019 I was doing media coverage for Nerds That Geek, and on Sunday evening I attended the panel hosted by Sebastian Jones of Stranger Comics (here is the article), and then bought a bunch of their paperbacks . Once the dust settled from DPCC, I had a chance to read ‘The Untamed’ volumes 1 and 2 and ‘Niobe,’ and I loved them!

What was especially exciting was seeing that there was a ‘Stranger’s Theme’ melody (written by Jens Engelbrecht & Sebastian A. Jones) written out at the beginning of ‘The Untamed: A Sinner’s Prayer’ (volume 1) . I was inspired to write a few arrangements of the theme, and I sent them to Stranger Comics (unsolicited, which is super annoying, I know, but I figured I’d take a chance). My best-case scenario is that they don’t have a composer for the ‘World of Asunda’ HBO show, and they love my work and pick me. Or maybe Sebastian gets a kick out of them and listens to them for inspiration while he’s writing. Or maybe the email never gets opened. Either way, I’m glad I followed my inspiration and have some music to show for it. Speaking of which…

I wanted to be able to share these pieces, but since I didn’t write the melody, I don’t want to make it look like I’m trying to take credit for something that isn’t mine. In the versions that I’ve posted, instead of the actual ‘Stranger’s Theme’ melody, I’ve reduced the melody to just an ascending and descending scale, so that I can still use the chord progressions that I composed (they were not included with the melody in the comic) as well as my orchestrations. I think what’s left is different enough from the source material to be considered “inspired by.”

There are scenes from the comics that I drew inspiration from when I was writing the different sections, but the music doesn’t necessarily follow the story chronologically. The titles I’ve chosen are vague descriptions of the scenes that I had in mind.

Captain America Vs Trump: A Bernie Sanders Tribute

At the end of last year, I scored Emil Acevedo’s (Virgeo Studios) LEGO stop-motion short film Captain America Vs Trump: A Bernie Sanders Tribute. Originally, I created my own temp score using a mashup of Imperial March and Hail to the Chief, as well as The Avengers Theme and Captain America’s Theme. I then changed and simplified the themes so that they are technically different, but still recognizable as the original themes. I also included the stand-alone score in the media player in case you want to listen to that by itself.